The (Not So) Ultimate Knex Marble Machine Element Guide


Intro: The (Not So) Ultimate Knex Marble Machine Element Guide

If you read the title and clicked on this instructable, you probably can't afford Knex balls or are just curious. Each step will also include a list of pros and cons. So, today I present to you, The (Not So) Ultimate Knex Marble Machine Element Guide!

STEP 1: Simple Path

The most basic path for a marble machine. Each segment needs two yellow connectors, two blue spacers, and a white rod. (I recommend using a blue rod for segments that will connect to something.) To connect two segments, you need two green rods.


-Minimal pieces

-Simple to build


-Breaks easily when twisted

-Can't turn

STEP 2: Finish!

That's It! If you have any questions or suggestions, you can comment them if you like!