The Proton Spinner


Intro: Null

I designed the Proton Spinner because I wanted to create a spinner that could increase or decrease its speed using the basics of orbital mechanics, which is the closer that a mass gets to the center of its rotation then the faster it will spin. As you can see in the video it about doubles its speed when it is pressed together then when it is fully expanded. ---------List of materials:------ #1--- All of the printed parts using the included STL file-------- #2--- Nine M3x25mm screws You can probably find these at your local hardware store but if not you can get them here: ---- #3--- Three 9/16 steel balls This is where I got mine: ---- #4---two 608 Bearings These are the standard Bearings used on Spinners. You can get them here: -----------Check out the video that I made and notice how it goes faster and slower:


I really like the concept and time you must have put into this project, great job!

-When creating this marvelous piece of art I have trouble with the tall base... There are no support braces leading to the where the m3 hardware is fixed to causing the weak spot and just crumbles... Otherwise everything was spot on doable. Thank you

where can I find the STL files for the parts?