The Push-ped


Intro: The Push-ped

A bike/scooter hybrid,a great project for begginer hobbiyists like me (please go easy on the coments cuz this is my first project and im only 13)

STEP 1: The How To

its basically just a regular Razor scooter with a metal bar welded on to it with added suports and a bike seat, The pics should give you an Idea (tip you should remove the wheels before welding to avoid melting)


Looks great!
Look it like a good sitting scooter keep going modify it.
nice photo. yes it looks like a good sitting bike indeed, a easy on back bike.
it looks like you could filp backward if you lean back
I did similar kickscooter a few years ago It was November 2001. It was lot of fun but I sold it as my 4-wheel kick scooter is more practical.
by 4-wheeled kick scooter do u mean a fusion? cause i have one and i love it! i put scooteer wheels on it to make it handle sharp turns better.
No, something better. Have a look of this video: It is my own design :)
is that bike seat kobe?
I don't know. I bought it from a bikeshop. It was quite comfortable one.
whats it say on the side?
Hey dude, good instructable though it could be longer. Great job on welding at 13, though I am eleven, hehe
you have to be at least 13 to be on this site
which date my birthday is on the 8th
Im 12 and I have never welded anything :(
nice,work. looks like a good down hill racing scooter, awsome job
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