The Saber Mk 2.0


Intro: The Saber Mk 2.0

It's like the saber Mk 1.0 but better!


Range: ~60-65 ft

Mag: 8-9 yellow rods, non removable

Bands: 4 #64 bands

Video link (be sure to subscribe and check out my other stuff. I try to post regularly but Spanish 2 class manages to foil my plans.)

Special thanks to blue mullet for the trodden inspiration! Make sure to check him out!

STEP 1: How I Built It

I have had some questions on how exactly I build my guns. I will try to show you below.

1. I started the saber 2 with the stock. I already wanted to modify the original guns stock and also extended it by 2 connectors.

2. I attached the handle (very similar to the original rifle.

3. I built the 5th layer and connected it to the handle.

4. I searched and tried many triggers and settled upon a similar layout to blue mullets m 1 garand (check it out...I will wait).

5. I had previously decided on yellow rods so next I built the mag. I originally wanted a slanted mag but I couldn't make it work.

6. I filled in the top of the barrel and the bottom of the gun and brought it up to 4 layers.

7. I finished the fake barrel and added the 5th layer on this side.

8. I made sure everything worked by firing 75 rounds through it and tested the sights.

9. The 7th layers came next and were added then changed then added then changed....until I found the ones I wanted.

10. I banded the layers on and went about strengthening the various weak points of the gun.

11. I did a general check to make sure everything works just right and then shot another 50 rounds through it.

12. Once satisfied I played with it for about 3-4 days and made changes here and there until I was happy with the new changes.

13. I don't like ending on a 13 but lastly I made some banding changes, re taped and banded the pin, and started the video.

Total build time: ~8 hours plus ~2 hours of testing= ~10 hours


I really like these older style guns, in fact ive got some more traditional style stuff coming up, i think if i pull it off it will be something the community has never seen. Great job!

I've seen you before, can one of the ppl check out my knex sniper rifle

That thing looks amazing--and with that range holy cow! Nice job dude!

Sorry about the messy room but...having Legos and K'nex out at the same time does terrors