The Sixteen-Strand Braid


Intro: The Sixteen-Strand Braid

Following the eight-strand braid, I thought it ought to be possible to create a sixteen-strand braid.

I was right!

Using the same loom, It makes a thicker, more cylindrical cord with a shallower helix.

STEP 1: Starting.

I raided Kitewife's yarn stash, and found four complementary colours.

I cut two equal strands of each, then folded them in half and knotted at the fold, making sixteen individual strands.

Threading the strands through the loom, I arranged them in opposing pairs - two white strands opposite two white, two purple opposite two purple etc.

  • I only used this arrangement to make the steps of the weave clear, but the result looked rather good.

STEP 2: The Weave.

Hold the loom with one pair-of-pairs vertically in front of you.

Take hold of the bottom two strands (C & D), and move them both one space to the right (anti-clockwise). The right-hand strand will temporarily be sharing a slot with another strand.

Take hold of the top two strands (A & B) and move them both one space to the left (also anti-clockwise). Slot the right-hand strand (B) into place, but bring the left-hand strand (A) down to fill the vacant space at the bottom of the loom.

Lift the bottom-right strand (D) out of the shared slot and move it to the vacant slot at the top of the loom.

Turn the whole loom a one-eighth turn to the left (anti-clockwise), and repeat the whole thing again.

Keep this up until you run out of either patience or wool.

By popular demand (well, one comment, one PM and a phone-call), I have added a video of the weaving action:

STEP 3: Finishing.

As for the other braids, finishing is simply a matter of tying a knot in the end when you decide to stop.

Be careful, though: because the cord is thicker, it is slightly trickier to get the knot in just the right place.

If you don't want the knots, use a needle and thread to sew back and forth through the cord, locking the yarn in place.

As ever, take the idea and enjoy doing what you want with it.


FANTASTIC {& purple is me fave color}! x^)

I'm kinda runnning out of stuff to make looms with....

My 8-knotched loom was 4 pieces of flat lego stuck together.....

Any idea of matierials (That can be worked by hand easly)?

Thanks in advance
At school I art we use use cardboard circles
you could use a paper plate tha's been cut down to size.
Scrap card should last for at least one braid.

Somebody else says they use an old CD - cut notches with a hacksaw and sand off the rough bits.

Just about anything will do the job.
What about the clay stuff that remains soft until you bake it? i think im going to use that...
Polymer clay ("Fimo")?

That would work.  It would probably feel nice to use as well.
Also known as sculpey. Less expensive than Fimo IIRC.
kumihimo looms are made out of thick "foam" available at most craft stores... or just buy a kuhimo loom (at less than $10)
Just lost my loom :(

Now I'm kinda stuck.....

Last time i used a round wooden disc i found at Michael's, a craft store.

I made the centre hole with a file, i spun it until it made a hole and widened it with the file then witha pencil.

I made the notches with a different file, and i had to widen those too.

Now that's lost, uhhh.........

Thanks for sharing what you made - that's an effective choice of colours!


just pick up a round topped bar stool, in an unfinished wood store. put a 2 inch hole in the middle, with a cup shaped hole cutter drill bit, and then use an agle grinder to round out the edges, and voila. a professional mauri dai for cheap.

This is exactly what I needed. I've been trying to figure out what to do with the ends of the 48 strands of rope in a hammock I'm making, and this will nicely condense them into 3 large, but much more manageable cords that I can then turn into a laid rope and eye splice.

Thank you.
You're welcome - could you post a picture of the finished job?
It's going to be a while before I'm to the point of having a finished picture, but I did a quick mockup of the ropes to make sure I have the braid figured out.

The rope is made with this same braid, except it's only 12 strands.

I'm going to have to make the braid a bit tighter on the final project, but I think I have the process down pretty well. I'm also able to do it a bit quicker because the loom can set on my lap, allowing me to use two hands to braid.
Hi there everyone,
I have used a plastic ice cream lid for Kitemans 8 slot disc. I wanted to use up strips of patchwork material. So I used a compass, blade knife,ruler and a paper punch. After cutting the disc from the lid, I cut a circle in the centre about the size of our old 2 cent piece (Australia). Then measured and ruled the slots. Cut 1cm slots then punched a hole at the end of the slot. This allowed me to use 3cm wide strips of material and the holes hold it in place as I go around. My idea is to coil the material rope up to make a colourful floor mat. So far it is working a treat. I just slip stitch a new strip on as I run out of strip.  I also roll the strips up and pin them so I don't end up with a tangled mess.
Good job Kiteman keep it up :) Cheers Janey
I thought I understood it but the video does make it much easier to understand ... and nice music with it too lol. BWP :o)
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