The Transportation of the Future, HEV Bus


Intro: The Transportation of the Future, HEV Bus

In any city you go, there are buses roaming around everywhere. I thought we might be able to turn these buses into a moving energy powerhouse. Congregating this idea into a bus that uses hydrogen as its fuel, I've designed an extremely eco-friendly bus that only emits water and heat, and even provides energy for the city to use. After scanning the drafts, I designed it with SketchBook Express to show the general step by step concept of the bus. I've also designed a green bus stop that matches the idea of the Green Bus. I call this project, the HEV Bus.

STEP 1: Generating Electricity From Exterior

Curved Roof and Semi-Transparent Solar Panels
While in route, the bus swifts its direction  a lot, meaning the direction of where sunlight is coming from changes often. For the solar panels to collect sunlight and turn it into electricity more efficiently, I designed a curved roof. The curved roof can also give efficiency in air conditioning or heating because the cool or hot air will be able to circulate around in specific area where the passengers are seated. Making the solar panels semi-transparent will give some natural lighting and a great view of the sky and the buildings risen upon the city to the passengers so they can enjoy the bus ride better than before.

Wind Turbines
Bus is a fast-moving vehicle meaning there's enough head wind to power wind turbines to generate electricity. Placing wind turbines up on the roof with the solar panels will be both cost-efficient and effective because it's not big in size and the wind passing through the turbines will be strong enough to rotate the turbines so fast, generating more electricity than its bigger brothers up on the mountains.

Generation of Electricity By Friction and Heat
The heat and friction produced from the bus's tires are splendid that we can even cook a meat on the tire. Using this leftover fraction and heat, we can generate electricity with not that much cost and effort.

STEP 2: Generating Electricity From Interior

Every day, so many people ride buses to get to their destination. Especially in rush hours, there is almost not a single place to sit at that some have to stand on the corridor of the bus wrapping their hand(s) to any handgrip nearby. Gathering this idea to a technology that generates electricity using body's temperature, I designed a handgrip power generator that will be able to be used productively in the urban mass transportations. 

STEP 3: Hydrogen As the Fuel

With electricity, hydrogen is considered as the renowned replacement of fossil fuels for the future. It is clean-burning fuel and the only byproduct of hydrogen power is water and heat, both of which can by recycled. This essentially means turning an energy consuming process into an energy producing one. Gathered with electricity produced by the bus itself, the bus becomes a truly eco-friendly vehicle for the future. If hydrogen is commercialized soon enough, it won't be long to meet the green bus that I've designed.

STEP 4: The Green Bus Stop

Although bus stops can be used as a very effective way to generate solar energy, governments tend to neglect is potentials and leave it as just what it is for, the 'bus stop.' Just inserting solar panel to its roof will be able to turn this into a energy powerhouse. It is tremendously cost-effective because it doesn't need more property to form a solar power plant. Just tore off the ceilings of the existing bus stops and change it to semi-transparent solar panel, and you're done!


Problem with hydrogen as a fuel is you need to extract it from crude oil, which ends up being more environmentally damaging than just using petrol or diesel, and requires so much more energy to extract from water than you'd ever get back... :\

I love the idea you could improve it by having a breaking system like on trains so you get energy back from breaking

This is a nice idea. I'd do away with the wind turbines, though, because they'd use more energy than they'd generate. In order to generate energy, you have to move the us, which takes far more energy than wind turbines can possibly generate for any given speed. It would be more efficient to just run hydrogen powered generators, but that would reduce the transportation utility of the vehicle.

Best to just use the solar cells to augment the hybrid features of the vehicle to require less fuel.