The Wolfman


Intro: The Wolfman

Supplies: a baseball helmet with the guard attached (top part of guard removed in order to see out of "his" mouth), a yard of 1/2" fabric foam, lots of hot glue, fake fur, liquid latex for the toes, fake fingernails, crinoline, wooden dowels for the eyes, magic eraser sponge for the teeth, acrylic paints and lots of imagination! I never would have thought this project would turn out as cute as he did! He was alot of fun to make! My son had emergency surgery ON Halloween, so he missed going trick-or-treating. My husband and I got dressed up in the costumes I made and paraded around the hosiptal and passed out candy in the children's wing!


That looks great! Definitely can't tell it's a helmet under there.
Thanks! It was worth it all when my son put that finished product on.... So cute!