Introduction: The Best Thing You Can Do With an Old Leather Belt

About: Well I'm not a pro in any way, but I just love to make things of all kinds. I like rock and epic music, good food, norse mythology, biking, hiking, larping and so on... But there's one nemesis - Math. Yet I st…

So, I found a remain of my old leather belt yesterday and I thought to myself "Hey, I could make something from that" so I decided to make a leather bracelet.

Stuff you'll need:

leather belt
- buttons
- pen
- scissors
- drill
- ruler
- hammer
- that strange riveting thing (I'm sorry, I don't know how to call it in english, but it should be sold with buttons :D )


Just follow my photos and you'll be ok ;)

- First, measure the lenght of your wrist
- cut the belt (leave some space for buttons!)
- mark places for holes and drill them
- attach the buttons

- wear it
- admire yourselves!

I hope you like it! If you have any questions or compliments, just write me ;)