The Easiest Way to Download YouTube Video (and Any Other Online Video)


Intro: The Easiest Way to Download YouTube Video (and Any Other Online Video)

There are dozens of ways to download online video from YouTube and other video hosting services like Dailymotion, Vevo etc. However, you either need to download some program, go to dedicated online services and there is no 100% guaranties that it'll work. But there is an easy way out: one button click and it's all done. And it's REEEEALLY fast.

STEP 1: Browser

It all comes down to using a right browser. Google Chrome, Firefox, IE there are all great and popular, but they can't download videos. Here I recommend using Citrio. This browser is available foe Windows and Mac. Free. It's actually built on Chrome, so you get everything you like about Chrome, plus some features that you can't get in Google products.

Install Citrio browser like any other software you usually install.

STEP 2: Video Download

After Citrio is installed, all you need to do is go to YouTube or some other site and find the video to download. When it starts playing:

1. Click on the Video video downloader icon inside the address bar. This icon will appear only if there is a video to download.

2. Click on the download button. You download will start.

STEP 3: Profit

As I've said, there are tons of ways to download from video sites, so why does this one deserve my attention. Here's why, actually:

1. It's really easy. Two clicks and your video is downloaded.

2. Video downloader is integrated into browser, so when you find an interesting video, you just need to click on the icon. No additional services or software that you need to install, launch and configure.

3. Speed. There is a download accelerator in Citrio, so your videos will be downloader 4-5 times faster, compared to other services.


How exciting! I will try this week.

i'll give it a try
