Introduction: The Most Simple Way to Test a Z80 CPU

About: I'm a programmer, embedded designer and a guy that knows something 'bout FPGAs.

This is the most simple way to test a Z80 CPU

Step 1: Preparing the Parts


1: a Z80 CPU (I used Z84C00AP from Toshiba) Ebay

2: a NAND gate chip (I used 74HC00 from Texas Instruments ) MinhHaGroupEbay


3: 470 Ω resistors Ebay

4: 68 k resistor Ebay

Power IC:

5: 7805 5v Regulator 1x MinhHaGroupEbay


6: 100nf Tantalium capacitor x2 MinhHaGroup

7: 9V Battery (i think you don't need link for this) x1

8: 9V Battery Holder (i think you don't need link for this) x1

9: 10 uF capacitor

10: 100 uF capacitor


11: LED (i think you don't need link for this) x4

Step 2: The Power Module

Step 3: The Main Board

Step 4: Final Notes

This is my first Instructables and i hope you liked it

On the power supply,you don't need to build the Power Module if you have a 5V power supply