�This Is the Smallest Knex Gun Ever Made!


Intro: �This Is the Smallest Knex Gun Ever Made!

 This is the smallest knex gun ever made!

STEP 1: Build the CAD Design

 Build the Cad design, rap an elastic band round it - then stretch it back with a grey or back rod (as shown) - and fire!


A bit to harsh/toxic
ok guys sorry if this isn't the "smallest" i just assumed it was as i hadn't seen any smaller! :)
Don’t assume something unless there’s evidence to back up that claim
True, when I’ve made cylinders in the past they are hard to put together, but even harder to take apart.
look up smallest knex gun. one only has 4 peices
not the smallest.....

I deem that smaller.
yeah thats smaller and even the dunkis nano gun and smallest true trigger are much tiner
Lol even a repeater is smaller than that. Oh well, can't expect him to know everything.
Small, heh heh.. yeah.....

Good luck taking the blue cylinder apart.