Introduction: Three Small Sidearms
As the title implies, these are three sidearms Ive had lying around for ages. None of them are especially powerful or accurate, I do however think the designs are quite original. They are all very simple and require few parts.
1: Crossbow Pistol. Features a true trigger with no moving parts. Fires just about any type of connector 50-60 feet. For anbody who built my revolver, its essentially a singleshot version of that.
2: RBG Pistol. This is basically a frame and trigger, and Im hoping it can be modded. I have built a stronger version that could hold the load of about 15 bands. It fires the bands all at once.
3: Rod Sling Pistol. This was my very first knex gun design, from years ago. Interestingly, it never occured to me to use the firing pin design, it made much more sense to use the band to directly fire the rod. Very quiet in operation.
Step 1: Crossbow Pistol
If you havent already built it from the first photo, follow this...
Step 2: RBG Pistol
Follow the photos. Simple.
Photo 4: This is where you want to build your own frame. I really cant offer you any guidance, just make something stronger than what I have.
Photo 4: This is where you want to build your own frame. I really cant offer you any guidance, just make something stronger than what I have.
Step 3: Rod Sling Pistol
Erm, follow the photos?
NB: If you can, file a U-shaped groove in the end of a rod before loading it into this gun. It stops the band from slipping off the end of the rod, which can get very frustrating.
NB: If you can, file a U-shaped groove in the end of a rod before loading it into this gun. It stops the band from slipping off the end of the rod, which can get very frustrating.