Introduction: Three Way Bathroom Prank!

About: my name is isaac. i am a Christian
Undetectable prank!

Step 1: List

All you need are three things:
• Bathroom (obviously)
• Screw Driver
• Rubber Bands (around 2)

Step 2: Prank 1

First take toilet paper roll and pole out. Then replace the toilet paper roll in the sink cabinet. Put the pole back in place.

Step 3: Prank 2

Open up the sink cabinet. Slightly unscrew the knob screw on each cabinet door until there is a small
gap. Insert the first rubber band around the screw on one side. Stretch it to the other screw. Do the same thing with the second rubber band.
Re tighten the screws a little bit.

Step 4: The Grand Finale

Take toilet tank top off. Remove the chain from the flush extender. Replace the toilet tank back to its original place. PLEASE DON'T BLAME ME IF YOUR MOM CALLS THE PLUMMER.
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