Throwing Star of David


Intro: Throwing Star of David

Oy vay! Ever wondered what to do with all of your old box knife blades? Well, instead of throwing them in the garbage can, you can throw them AT the garbage can. This not-so-kosher project consists of welding six blades together to make the fiercest throwing star you have ever seen.

I can go over the cautionary details but I assume that it is implied that any time you handle razor blades there is a certain risk factor. So have fun. If you get cut you probably weren't exercising enough caution. Not recommended for use by mohels during a bris.

STEP 1: Arrange the First Layer of Blades.

If you will be welding them then find a piece of sheet metal to lay them on. Match up the corners to the best of your ability.

STEP 2: Lay Next Layer of Blades Atop the First.

This is tricky because the blades like to slide around on you. You can use Scotch tape to pin down the corners but remember that if you are welding the heat will melt the tape, which is perfectly OK. It would just be necessary to clean off the sticky goo with some laquer thinner, gasoline, or any other solvent, but wait until it has been quenched or cooled.

STEP 3: Clamp Your Ground to the Metal Plate.

The blades are grounded by the metal plate which is nice for small stuff like this.

STEP 4: Tack the The Corners.

This will connect the whole star together.

STEP 5: Tack the Other Side.

This is necessary because the star is too flimsy if you skip this step. Instead of making a nice solid thud sound when it hits the target it sounds clanky as if you were to hurl the entire contents of your silverware drawer at the wall.

STEP 6: Brush Off Oxidization.

These blades rust, so before you paint or laquer it's good to brush off any crud that may have accumulated on the star during welding. I lock the star into the vice grips and brush the heck out of it.

STEP 7: Time to Paint.

Before you paint it's a good idea to clean any residual oil off the blades. Any solvent will do the job. Laquer thinner or denatured alcohol dry the fastest, almost instantaneously. My paint colors of choice are flat black, aluminum, or clear laquer(provided that my welds turned out nice and are worth showing off).

I usually bend a length of wire into a hook and hang the star from it so I can spray all sides at once and hang them to dry under a halogen lamp.

STEP 8: Get Throwing.

I was once told as a boy that the best way to hold a throwing star is to grip it between your index and middle fingers. I do not suggest that. With these stars it has proven extremely innacurate and terribly uncomfortable. I can only recommend that you experiment with different throwing methods and discern which is the best for you.


instead of welding i used an industrial soldering iron and it worked perfectly for me

thanks a lot

what about using super glue for non-forging, non-welding people?

Ya what is it, I think it's like making it hot and hammering it or something? I don't know. Tell us
What do you mean by "tack the sides"? How did you do that?
Ninja stars are lame. and dagerous cuz a complete and total idiot can use them. now knife throwing, there is something that needs skill........
You need skill for ninja stars because seriously have you ever picked one up and chucked it at a tree 20 yards away and actually hit it? Not saying that I have, the ones I make are of paper.....
and theyre epic!!
Correct. I own both shuriken and throwing knives, and although I cant though a knife worth crap, a shuriken does take a rather high level of skill. you would be amazed how many people cannot throw anything but a ball with any accuracy.
You noobies.
Go try throwing a tomahawk
are you saying this because you enjoy throwing axes in real life? I admit, that takes slightly more skill than throwing even a knife, but is impractical. one option, you carry several tomahawks and weight yourself down, or the other option, you throw your weapon, and then you are screwed. or are you referring to tomahawks in *scoff* video games?
how do you carry them without slicing your gut open......... very carefully XD
 Oh my Jewish God. Jews will evolve from money horders to ninjas. It's a compliment to all jews. i love you jesus .
JUST so everybody knows, he used the oxy-acetylene mode. (aka fire)

By the by, ninjas leap from trees, somersault on concrete, and kick from 15 feet away. With that in mind, it really doesn't seem very intelligent to have razor sharp weapons pointing towards your pancreas at these times. But suit yourself.
how do you carry them without them slicing your gut open?
dude! thats so brutal it makes me skin crawl
Awesome... Jewish ninjas!
Depends where you come from, The english and american spelling is different....
Is welding hard? I mean, my friend(who's not that, wait, HORRIBLY unbright) can do it.......
I never heard of that b4 thx
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