

Intro: #ThuHistory

STEP 1: The World at 1500

Around 1500, trading patterns were established all over the world. (Silk routes, maritime routes, Trans-Saharan routes).


STEP 2: The Reformation

Martin Luther- Believed that salvation by faith alone, and that the bible was the ultimate authority. Also wrote the 95 theses.


STEP 3: Age of Exploration

Christopher Columbus- Discovered te West Indies.

STEP 4: Regional Civilizations

The Ottoman Empire located at the Asia Minor was a food example of this.


STEP 5: Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment

It expanded scientific knowledge and formulated the scientific method.

STEP 6: English Civil War

Also called the glorious revolution. William and Mary take over and make peace.


STEP 7: The French Revolution

Storming of the Bastille and reign of terror happened during the French Revolution.


STEP 8: Absolute Monarchs

Peter the great of Russia westernized Russia. Leader of Russia.


STEP 9: Latin America

Major cities were established as outposts of colonial authority. (Havana, Mexico City, Lima, sáo Paulo, and buenos aires).


STEP 10: Rise of Napoleon

A leader that was on a quest for land and power. Also tried unifying Europe and failed.


STEP 11: The Industrial Revolution

The rise of labor unions. People fought for better working conditions.


STEP 12: World War 1

Russia enters ww1 as an absolute monarchy.


STEP 13: The Cold War

The Cuban Missile crises was the hottest part of this war. Between us an ussr.


STEP 14: Independence Movements

All over the world people fought for independence and most gained it.


STEP 15: The World Today

The world today is berry different from what it use to be. Things have been upgraded and lands have been divided and brought together. Yet the world is still changing, no one knows what the future holds for us all.

STEP 16: World War 2

Assassination of Austrians archduke Ferdinand.


STEP 17: The Interwar Period

1918-1938 is when this started and ended.



#16 Caused WW1 not WW2
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