Tie Your Plastic Cap of the MagSafe Adapter (Macbooks)


Intro: Tie Your Plastic Cap of the MagSafe Adapter (Macbooks)

So, fear of losing that tiny plastic cap that "protects" your Mabooks MagSafe?  Here are simple steps.
You need:
1- thick needle or sharp point of any kind (use a needle like point, that is, not the same diameter but thin at the start and thicker at the base)
1- 5cm or longer nylon cord

STEP 1: Punch the Cap

Use the needle or sharp point to punch at the center of the cap.

STEP 2: Make a Nod

Take the nylon cord at one end and tie a nod, make at least 2 nods in the same end.

STEP 3: Insert the Nylon Cord

Use the other end of the cord (the one without the nod) and insert it through the hole you punched in the cap.

STEP 4: Tie the Second Nod

Tie a set of two consecutive nods to fix the position of the nylon and the cap as shown.

STEP 5: Tie the Opposite End to the MagSafe and You Are Done!

Presto! Never lose your little cap anymore (they don't sell this at the Apple Store or eBay!).


why do you need to keep that cap?
neat idea, though I think you're supposed to throw that cover away, not save it