Toddlers Miniature Zelda Style Bomb


Intro: Toddlers Miniature Zelda Style Bomb

As an addition to my sons link costume i wanted to add some little extras. So i decided to create some little zelda style bombs. These can easily be done within a few hours and are easy and cheap to make. All together it cost around £3 with bits from pound shops.

STEP 1: Checklist

For this instructable you will need the following: -- a pack of 4 foam balls from a pound shop £1 -- a pack of camping rope £1 -- craft glue -- craft paint (silver and blue + black for weathering) -- some spare EVA foam -- a scalpel --

STEP 2: Constructing the Bomb

First you will need to find something to draw around to create a small circle on the 'bomb'. I used the end of my sons skipping rope handle. There will be something lying around for this. After this you need to carefully cut around the circle at an angle so that you can cut off the foam inside the circle. After that i used the same circle to draw and cut a piece of eva foam to create the top of the 'bomb' Next i glued the top onto the body and trimmed off any excess foam.

STEP 3: Glue and Paint

Next step (with my zelda mug for inspiration) is to glue and paint!! Not much to say here apart from coat a few layers of pva first and let it dry in between coats. Then next apply blue paint for the body and silver or gold paint for the top. I chose silver but i might change to gold in the future as it is more accurate to zelda.

STEP 4: Weathering and the Fuse!!

My favourite part is the weathering. Using black acrylic and a wet cloth paint the cracks and wipe straight away. This gives more depth to your prop. Now remember that rope pack? Cut small sections off and then using your scalpel mark a X on the bomb top. Using the reverse of your scalpel, push the rope into the X. Finish with a little hot glue, and there you have it. Zelda stlye!


As a HUGE Zelda fan, I just wanted to say your tutorials are awesome! I did want to know though, where do you get EVA foam? I have a daughter, and we love to cosplay together, I would love to see her as a Link. :)

Thanks a lot! I used my son's old play mats that I got online. I also use Eva camping mats as they are a lot cheaper than Eva play mats