Introduction: Trompe L’œil - the New Culinary Game

About: The Innokick Master’s enables students from Engineering and Architecture, Business, Management and Services, and Design and Visual Arts backgrounds to acquire the interdisciplinary skills they need to create i…

No more need to be a kitchen whiz to impress your friends.

The aim: to mislead the visual perception that the consumer can make of himself by using totally unexpected ingredients. Be imaginative and don't be fooled by your prejudices.

For each ingredient identified, +1 point gained!

At the end of the tasting, the player with the most points wins!

Moral of the story: Be wary of appearances and dare to try new experiences.

Step 1: Chochisson


Step 2: Tagliatelle Alla Fragola

Tagliatelle alla fragola


Ingredients :

  • 250 grams of flour
  • ½ litre of milk
  • 2 tbsp. sugar
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 50 grams of butter

Put the flour in a salad bowl. Make a well and pour half of the milk in the centre. Mix with a whisk, gradually bringing the flour from the edges towards the middle. Melt the butter. Break the eggs into another bowl and beat them into an omelette. Pour them gradually over the flour, stirring constantly. Add the melted butter, salt and vanilla. Stir until the mixture is perfectly homogeneous. Gradually pour in the rest of the milk without stopping stirring to avoid lumps. Make the pancakes in a hot pan without adding any fat.

Sweet strawberry sauce

Ingredients :

  • 250 grams of strawberries
  • 1 half lemon
  • 50 grams of sugar
  • 10 cl of water dried coconut shavings

Put the strawberries, sugar and lemon juice in a blender. Blend and add the water as you go. Strain through a cheesecloth to remove the seeds.

Then cut the pancakes into thin strips using a pastry machine or a knife. Place them in a soup plate. Pour in the strawberry sauce and some coconut shavings as if they were Parmesan.

Step 3: French Fries With Apples and "fakechup" and "faumayo"

French fries with apples and "fakechup" and "fakyo".

Ingredients :

  • 3 apples
  • 40g sugar
  • 25g soft butter
  • 1 tablespoon cinnamon

Preparation of the chips:

1) Peel and empty the apples and cut them into sticks

2) Cooking: melt the butter in a frying pan and add the apple sticks. As soon as they start to brown, sprinkle with sugar and caramelise over a low heat.

3) Set aside and leave to cool flat on a baking tray.

4) Arrange the 4 preparations in a dish as you would serve a plate of chips.

Sauce "Fakechup"


- 50 g of frozen strawberries

Heat the strawberries over a low heat and blend them in a blender.

"Faumayo" sauce


- 25 cl of liquid cream

-10gr of sugar

Whip the cream and add the sugar.

Step 4: Table