Turkey Baster Flute.


Intro: Turkey Baster Flute.

Make a flute with a turkey baster!


Awesome comic. Contact me if you'd like to see it reproduced in a textbook.


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remember the rubberbands are verry important to the sound..... but seriousley this isi verry late but i really do play flute so just first practice blowing in to a coke or wine bottle and practice that way and stiffin your lower lip so its a small hole
im wondering from an experienced flute player... i have seen cardboard flutes, and im wondering... if you measured out the holes to be able to play aan exact chromatic scale, would it be an instrument easy enough to play to even be practical, or would it be a stress to even get a note out?
hmmm dont know its juwt one of those things that you have to try and if it doesnt work then try again. and if you could post a pictrue of the cardboard flute please. it sounds interesting. mabye even an instructable. oh and sory for being so late i havent gotten onto instructables for a while. im usualy on and off but i think im coming back soon.
i dont think it's worthy of an instructable. you just get a cardboard tube, cut a rectangular hole to blow across, and instead of keys, just punch tone hjoles in the tube. oh, and seal the end closest to the hole you blow across, like a real flute, i am actually a trumpet player, and my flute embouchre isnt really established yet.
make sure you're blowing across the opening, maybe try experimenting with the size of the opening (cut it down or something). Also try only holding it from the squishy bulb, if you hold the tube it might prevent it from resonating. Note: I haven't made one so I have no idea if any of this will help.
It looks like they're doing drugs or something!
Awesomes drawing, very funny!
horrifyingly creative, well done