Introduction: Turn an Old Card Into a Finger Snowboard
Have you ever wanted Tec-decks to be a bit more... grippy to your fingers? Or ever wanted a finger snowboard? Well today's your lucky day because we're going to get our "makey make" on, and get tinkering!
Step 1: Supplies
1. Scissors
2. Lighter
3. Xacto knife
4. Hot glue gun
5. Wire clips
6. An old card (not apple gift cards, they are cardboard)
Step 2: Cutting Cards
1. Acquire your card.
2. Draw your preferred shape.
3. Cut out the shape with your scissors.
Step 3: Lighter Bending
Hold the lighter quickly towards the bottom of the board so the flame bends it slightly
Step 4: Glueing
1. With your trusty hot glue gun add a dab of glue to each clip and put them roughly 1cm apart.
Step 5: Trimming
1. Now trim away the excess