Tutorial: DIY Friendship Pizza Necklace - FIMO, Polymer Clay ?


Intro: Tutorial: DIY Friendship Pizza Necklace - FIMO, Polymer Clay ?

Hi Sweets~ Today id all about best friends. Why not show them some love by making this best friends necklace! Best friends love! ❤

I hope you enjoy it.
Please LIKE the video if you enjoyed it! Thanks for watching and Please "Subscribe" to my channel.Did you make your own? I'd love to see it! Share with me photos by using the hashtag #candiwarehowto on Instagram and Twitter!

STEP 1: Step 1: Steps and Tools

Find the DIY here.Or view the video above for all steps and more

All materials to this project: https://kit.com/CandiWare/best-friends-pizza-neckl...

♥Don't forget to subscribe! www.youtube.com/candiware


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