Introduction: Twinkling Dodecahedron
The Dodecahedron
This is the twinkling dodecahedron. The dodecahedron is one of the 5 regular polytopes in 3 dimensions and it's made up of 12 regular pentagons. I got inspired to make this after seeing a video made by Matt Parker which shows how to do it and I just had to make it into a night light because it looked so damn cool!
All this is is just a slow blinking night light. It took me about 4 hours in total to make this after getting all the materials so when you make it; make sure you have enough time on your hands.
What you'll need
-8 sheets of A4 paper or if you already have it; 30 pieces of square paper. ( it works with post-it's). Also you can skip the first step if you already have squares.
-1 sheet of butter paper
-Some kind of glue. I used super glue.
-Last, you will need to have the parts for the flashing LED which you can learn to assemble from my other project:- - However depending on how fast you want it to blink you can change the capacitors. I changed both to 100u and also one of the 470 ohm resistors with a 10k one but you can modify it as you like.
Step 1: Make 30 Squares
I hope it's safe to assume that you can figure out how to do this from the pictures.
You will only need 7 and a half sheets from which you will get 4 squares each making a total of 30 (number of edges in a dodecahedron)
Sounds like a lot of trouble but keep at it and you will love the results!
Step 2: Fold Them Into the Edges
1st You need to fold it into an 'M' cross sectional shape
2ndMake sure that it is oriented as shown in the picture before you fold the corners to make it into the dagger shape.
3rd Make a crease for the edge as shown in the picture
Repeat this for all the squares
Step 3: Vertex
This will show you how to assemble a vertex. The first image shows what it should look like without the flaps tucked into the slits made when it was folded into an 'M'
Step 4: Assemble a Side and the Rest of the Shape
The pictures should be self-explanatory but if you have any problem let me know and I'll do my best to help. Or take a look at the video by Matt Parker himself making it:
Step 5: The Electronics
Don't be afraid, I understand how much trouble you must have went through to get this far but don't afraid of the electronics even if you have no experience. You can learn how to make it in my other project but here I have just used 100u capacitors instead of the smaller 22u ones and a 10k resistor in place of one of the 470ohm ones. The reason for this is to reduce the rate at which the led blinks to make it a little more 'soothing' to look at.
How to make it:
To put it on a perforated board I just arranged them in the same way as I did for the bread board and soldered them in the same way as connected on the breadboard.
A tip given to me by 'klauson' to help defuse the light more is to scrape the led with sand paper.
Step 6: Put It Inside
I used a wire to suspend the whole thing but you may find it easier to use string and hot glue.
1st - dump the circuit inside and pull the wires for the terminals out of one of the vertices.
2nd - I just taped it to the middle of a wire and put the wire across the middle of the shape.
3rd - stick the wires in place
Step 7: Make Nice With Butter Paper
1st - trace out a pentagon using the dodecahedron.
2nd - trace out a few more with that first one
3rd - gently slide a piece into the shape to see if it fits
4th - if it fits then secure it in place with a bit of glue
You may find it easier to use needle nose pliers or tweezers when it becomes hard to use your fingers.
After you finished all the sides you're done!
Step 8: Celebrate and Share It!
You just used up 4 or more hours of your life to do something kinda productive.
If you want, you can use an adaptor connected to the leads ( 5-9 volts) or use a 9V battery to put it on.
Please do send me your finished result, I would love to see how it came out!