UCL Embedded - Postbox


Intro: UCL Embedded - Postbox

Package delivery box concept

STEP 1: Project Overview

The project we've made is a proof of concept package delivery box, meant to prevent, or deter package theft.

The box would sit on the porch and await delivery of a package. This would happen with the delivery man being able to use an app, or passcode, or somehting similar to unlock the box. Upon placing a package in it, and closing the lid, the box would lock.

The new owner can at a later time scan their fingerprint and the box would unlock. The internal electronics are battery powered preventing theft by simply cutting wires and running off with the locked box. Equally the lid has a tilt sensor that will start an alarm if the lid is opened when it's supposed to be closed, or if the box is moved.

At present, everything is done from a single app, taking the role of both mailman and owner, that connects to the box with bluetooth, so it can be shown that the proof of concept works.

Made by: UCL/FMS Students oliv8886, ande85d9 and joer799f.

STEP 2: Part List

In this project we used following parts:

1 x Arduino mega 2560

1 x 7,4V LIPO 2200 mAh battery

1 x Breadboard

1 x Tilt sensor

3 x 1k ohm resistor

1 x HC05 Bluetooth Modul

1 x 2k ohm resistor

1 x Button

1 x Speaker modul

1 x Servo motor (Traxxas 2080 servo)

1 x Fingerscanner Sensor (Adafruit)

STEP 3: I/O List and Building

Here is the list of the pins we use:

int alarmPin = 8

int tiltPin = 5

int servoPin = 6

int resetAlarm = 11

After the assembly the project should look like the picture on the right side.

STEP 4: Sequence Chart

First we had to make a sequence chart before the programming could start.

Step 0: Standby

- requirements: Signal that postman wants to deliver package

Step 1: Lock opens

- Requirements: Signal that postman has put the package in the postbox

Step 2: Locks the box

- Requirements: Timer with 5 sec

Step 3: Waiting on customer

- Requirements: Finger scanner recognize fingerprint

Step 4: Lock opens

- Requirements: Signal by app that the package has been picked up and is in an approved state.

Step 5: Locks the box

- Requirements: Timer with 5 sec.

*Goes to Step 0*

There is also a side path in the sequence chart, that will start an alarm if the box is "forced" open.

- Requirements: Step 0 / Step 3 / Step 4 AND Tilt sensor active

Step 7: Actives the speaker alarm

- Requirements for reset: Button Press

STEP 5: The Code

Here is the code for the project.

The code for the mobil app can be seen in the picture.

STEP 6: Conclusion & Result

The result of the project is that the postbox could work, and therefore we can conclude that the proof of concept is working.

There could be made improvements to the project if the group had more time.

The most common problem the group experienced was that the mobil app crashed and with more time it could have been looked into.