Unnamed Bionicle MOC


Intro: Unnamed Bionicle MOC

Hello everybody, and thanks for viewing! This guy needs a name, so please leave suggestions in the comments.

STEP 1: Legs

STEP 2: Arms

STEP 3: Sword

Probably one of the coolest parts of it

STEP 4: Body and Assembly

And there you have it! Hope u njoyed!



How about Valkanox, or Talkano or Jalkuta? Cool guy, can't wait to see more!

Well lol. OBVIOSLY his name is king vultraz, conductor of the hype train!

Looks like he's got a Millennium Falcon on his shoulder....pretty cool!

I'd say find what ever language Lego uses/mimics to name the bionicles and find the word/phrase for death dealer... or something of the like
The way, are these parts you've had or have my prayers been answered and they are making bionicles again???