Introduction: UpBrella - Waste Knot
This project looks at using 2 waste streams that I found readily available to create an umbrella which I have called Upbrella. Bike inner tubes seem to been in abundance as is high grade rip stop sail material from sail manufacturers.
For this project you're going to need:
- Bicycle pump - Lezyne Road Drive Mini ABS Pump
- rip stop nylon sail cloth - 75gsm - 2 square meters or old waterproof jacket or other waterproof material - I contacted a sail manufacturer and got this material as offcut waste for FREE.
- rip stop nylon sail cloth - 200-250 gsm - 2 square meters - I contacted a sail manufacturer and got this material as offcut waste for FREE.
- 2-3 bicycle inner tubes 700 x 18/25 (easy to pick up punctured ones for FREE from most bike shops and repair them yourself with repair kit)
- Schrader inner tube value - (again easy to pick up for FREE from most bike shops in their inner tube waste)
- access to 3D printer for the core junction
- aluminium tubing - 450 mm by 22mm
- hacksaw
- small file set
- strong 2 part epoxy glue. 3 hr set time plus.
- scissors
- ruler
- sewing machine with leather needle or equivalent
- strong thread
- 14mm ‘O’ ring
Step 1: Slot Rip Stop Nylon Into Core
- you should be able to slot the rip-stop nylon strut into the core.
- The inner tube sits inside the rip stop nylon strut
Step 2: Clamp Ends of Inner Tubes With Strips of Aluminium
- cuts 12 strips of aluminium in 10mm by 45mm pieces.
- using a pair of pliers bend put a 90 degree bend in the strips 10mm from each end
- fold the end of the inner tubes 3 times with each fold being around 15mm long.
- clamp the bent aluminium crimps over the end of the folded inner tubes and press down the 2 protruding parts creating the mini clamp.
- If you have access to a work bench clamp put the whole end in this and press together until firm.
Step 3: 3D Print Out Core Junction
- you can use a ultimaker or similar 3D printer to print these 3 components.
- printing in Nylon will strengthen the core to the umbrella. It may even be worth trying to print in a PLA/ rubber mix to give the core greater flexibility.
Step 4: Get Hold of Dacron 200-250 Gsm Rip Stop Nylon
- Try and convince your local/ regional sail manufacturer to give you some dacron 200-250 gsm rip stop nylon
- alternatively most sailing clubs will have old main sails around that is off almost equal strenth
Step 5: Get Hold of Discarded Bike Inner Tubes
- I got mine from a local bike shops that throws them out daily.
- Apparently after it rains they then typically receive more punctured inner tubes as the glass etc gets washed into the roads causing more punctures
- I used 700 x 18/25 inner tubes though I am sure 700 x 28 etc would work well.