Introduction: Upcycle Musical Instrument
Material list:
Utility that can cut through plastic
Plastic Bottle
Small plastic or cardboard sheets
Step 1: Cutting the Bottle
You are going to have to cut 1 or however many slits you need into the bottle that will go through both sides horizontally on the bottle standing up for vertically positioned.
Each slit will need to go through both sides of the bottle
Each slit will need to be able to fix each sheet so that it can stay in and slide out
Step 2: Insert the Sheets
Insert your plastic or cardboard sheets into the slits you just created
Step 3: Remove the Sheets(Temporarily)
Remove the sheets you just inserted
Unscrew the bottle cap
Insert your beads
Step 4: Replacing Sheets/ Adjusting Bead Count for Each Level
After placing the beads place in your sheets whilst adjusts how many beads are in each level created by the slits
Step 5: Congratulations
After you have adjust the shaker to your needs you are done.