Introduction: Upcycled Marmite Jar Tea Light

About: I am a guy who likes videogames, judo and the great oudoors! (not necessarily in that order) My other half (I am a split personality guy) likes fayah (fire), rockets, technology and grapes. (in that order)
Marmite, love or hate? I'm personally on the fence, but I love cool reusage of stuff like jars, tins (go altoids!), so one day, after using up the Marmitey dregs in a pot to make a rice cake sandwich, this popped into my head.

Step 1: Remove Back Label

Using water, nail polish remover, patience and fingernails, remove the boring label on the back.

Step 2: Nom Nom Nom

Eat the Marmite.Love or hate, just eat it.

Step 3: Washy Washy Jar

Wash the sticky remains of the jar.

Step 4: Input Tea Light

Well, go on!

Step 5: Light

Work it out, genius.

Step 6: Done!

Ta da!

(sorry for irritated style, it amuses me)