Upcycled Pop Bottle Corsage


Intro: Upcycled Pop Bottle Corsage

Make a pretty and attention grabbing flower from a pop bottle and some plastic bags!

I made these upcycled light up corsages and boutonnières for the volunteers at Promdemonium - It was a great way to help them stand out in the crowd!

STEP 1: What You'll Need

-Plastic pop bottle (large or small, depending on how big you want your corsage)
-LED throwie (I had these on hand, but you can easily make your own)
-Spray paint
-Plastic grocery bags (optional)
-Tinsel (optional)

-Glue gun
-Iron (optional)

STEP 2: Cut Out the Flower

Using strong scissors, cut the bottom off of the pop bottle.

Cut each bulge into a petal shape. You can make the petals round or pointy.

Using a drill, carefully drill out the centre of your flower. Wear safety goggles and work gloves.

Smooth out any rough edges with a knife. You could also use sandpaper or a dremel but I didn't bother.

STEP 3: Paint!

Spray paint your flower a pretty colour like pink or yellow.

Don't worry about painting the back as no one will see it.

STEP 4: Add the LED

Insert the LED and secure it in place with a glue gun.

If you'd like a bit more sparkle, add some left over tinsel garland from Christmas. Trim it down with scissors and use more hot glue to hold it in place.

STEP 5: Leaves From Fused Plastic Bags

You could make leaves from almost any material.

I chose to use fused plastic bags.

To fuse together the plastic, iron the bags between two sheets of paper with a dry iron on the "silk" setting. Be sure to work in a well ventilated space

Fold over the material and cut out 2 leaves joined together. Make a slit in the middle to slip over the LED's battery and magnet.

Secure the leaves in place with hot glue.

STEP 6: Wear It Out!

If your LED throwie has a strong enough magnet you can wear the finished corsage by using another small magnet on the other side of your clothes, otherwise you can use a pin to hold it to your outfit.

If you'd like it to be a wrist corsage, simply add a ribbon.

I made these upcycled light up corsages and boutonnières for the volunteers at Promdemonium - It was a great way to help them stand out in the crowd!


SWEET! I'm always trying to think of ways to use my plastic bottles & bags because I have a ton of both. I'll have to remember this when my kids are prom age. Thanks for the share!