Introduction: Using the HX Outdoors D-121 Survival Knife
The HX Outdoors D-121 Survival Knife is a great knife to have with you in a survival situation or just in the outdoors while camping. This knife is is made from 440C stainless steel and is coated in titanium. It is a fixed blade knife and makes excellent wood shavings for starting fire. It also can make a good throwing knife. Above is a video of Blake Alma showing off this great knife.
Step 1: Gripping the Knife
Take your hands and grab onto the handle of the blade. Make your hand as a fist while holding. Lock your hands and strike woods for wood shaving or to whittle. You can also use this grip to penetrate objects.
Step 2: Bottle Opener
The back of the blade can be used to pop open glass bottles. Take the spine of the blade and use the groove on the spine to pop open a bottle.
This knife is available for purchase at, if you do not own this knife.