VGA Snake With Arduino Uno


Intro: VGA Snake With Arduino Uno

After VGA Pong, I have reproduced another color version of classical game for Arduino Uno and a VGA monitor:

VGA Snake!

The link for the video is here

...and here the link for the code.

It is for a single player, it has four colors and a resolution of 120 x 60 pixels. As before, my goal is to avoid any special shield or support IC.

You just need few resistors, a DSUB15 connector (the classical VGA one) and four buttons.

STEP 1: Instructions to Built Your Own Color Snake With Arduino

First you can download the Arduino game code here, then you need the VGAx libraries from Smaffer on github published here.

Once you have the code uploaded an an Arduino Uno (I have Rev. 3 and IDE 1.6.4) without errors, you can start to build your own "console".

You need:

  1. an Arduino Uno Rev.
  2. a DSUB15 Connector, i.e. a VGA female connector or a VGA cable to be cut.
  3. resistors: 2 x 68 Ohm; 2 x 470 Ohm and 4 x about 1 to 2 kOhm
  4. four buttons
  5. some piece of cable
  6. facoltative: a PC board to hold the pieces together and create your own shield
  7. facoltative: pins to connect the shield to the Arduino

Connect everything following the upper schematic.

For more details, you can read this post in the Arduino Forum.



Hello Rob,

I attempted to make the VGA snake instructable and I came across a problem with the code


Arduino: 1.6.7 (Windows 10), Board: "Arduino/Genuino Uno"

VGAX.h: No such file or directory

#include <VGAX.h>


I installed the VGAX libraries, running the latest arduino software and am using an arduino rev 3

I was hoping you could shed some light on my problem. any help would be appreciated.

Hi HaashimR,

after you download the VGAX library you have to unzip it (thus you get all the files in vgax-master) and copy it in the Arduino libraries folder. For instance, in my case I have:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\libraries\vgax-master

I have Arduino IDE 1.6.4 (Windows 7).

I hope this helps.