Introduction: Valentine Map Heart Treat Bags

About: I love to upcycle and craft. I especially love to repurpose and revamp making the unloveable, loveable once again.

These gorgeous Valentine Map Heart Treat Bags are really easy to make and you can add that personal touch by using maps that are special to you. You may want to use a map of where you and your loved one first met or of your favourite holiday destination.

Step 1: Choose Your Maps

Probably the hardest part of this project is deciding what maps to use. You can use some of your own, if you don't want to cut them up the photocopy them. If you don't have the map you want you can download one or print from google maps.

Step 2: Cut Out Your Heart Shape Map

Using a template like a heart shape cookie cutter draw out a heart round the map you want and cut it out. You will need 2 hearts per treat bag.

Step 3: Sew on the Sewing Machine

Place your two map hearts wrong sides together and sew round the edge on a sewing machine. Make sure you leave a gap to insert your sweet treats.

Step 4: Finishing Off

Insert your sweet treats and a pull me luggage label. Then sew your heart shut.

Step 5: