Introduction: Vice Grip Assembly
In this Instructable, it will guide you through assembling a vice grip from the book Learning Autodesk Inventor 2019.
Before we begin, have these parts made:
1 Base
2 Jaw
3 Key (2)
4 Screw
5 Handle Rod
6 Handle Knob (2)
Step 1: Select New Assembly
Open Autodesk Inventor 2019, and press "New"
Select English > Standard(in).iam
Step 2: Insert Base
Go to Assemble > Place and open the file for the base
Step 3: Place Base Grounded at Origin
Right click and select "Place Grounded At Origin". Once done, press Esc on your keyboard.
Step 4: Open Jaw
Go to Assemble > Place and open the jaw file.
Step 5: Place Jaw
Left click once, then press Esc
Step 6: Add Keys to Assembly
Go to Assembly > Place and open the key file.
Step 7: Place Keys
Left click twice, then press Esc
Step 8: Add Mate Constraint
On your own, use the mate constraint to constrain the side of the key into the inside of the key slot in the jaw. Once done, press Apply
Step 9: Add Another Mate Constraint
Repeat for the other side with the other key and press Apply.
Step 10: Add Flush Constraint
Change the constraint from mate to flush, then select the front faces of the key and the jaw. Once done, press Apply,
Step 11: Add Another Flush Constraint
Repeat on the other key, then press Apply.
Step 12: Add Another Mate Constraint
Change the constraint back to mate, then select the top face of the key and the bottom face of the top of the key slot. Press Apply when done.
Step 13: Add Another Mate Constraint
Repeat for the other key, the press Apply, then Cancel.
Step 14: Mate Jaw and Base
Choose the Constraint option again and create a mate constraint, choosing the bottom face of the upper half of the jaw and the flat top face of the base. Press Apply when done
Step 15: Add Flush Constraint
Switch to the flush constraint and choose the side faces of the base and the jaw. Press Apply, then Cancel when done.
Step 16: Add Screw to Assembly
Go to Assembly > Place and open the Screw part file. Left click once, then press Esc on your keyboard.
Step 17: Place Screw
Left click once, then press Esc on your keyboard.
Step 18: Create Mate Constraint Between Screw Head and Jaw Eyehole
Choose the Constraint function. Choose the front face of the screw head and the inside face of the jaw eyehole. Press Apply when done.
Step 19: Add Opposed Constraint
Select the axis of the screw and the axis of the jaw eyehole. They will highlight when you pass over them. The constrain window will show new options. Choose the opposed constraint. Press Apply, then Cancel when done.
Step 20: Add Handle Rod to Assembly
Go to Assembly > Place, and open the Handle Rod Part. Left click once, then press Esc on your keyboard.
Step 21: Place Handle Rod
Left click once, then press Esc on your keyboard.
Step 22: Create Aligned Constraint
Choose the Constraint Option, then select the axis of the handle rod and the hole in the screw handle. Choose the second option, which is the Aligned constraint. When done, press Apply, then Cancel
Step 23: Open Handle Knobs to Assembly
Go to Assembly > Place, and open the Handle Knob part. \
Step 24: Place Handle Knobs
Left click twice, then press Esc on your keyboard.
Step 25: Mate Handle Knob to Handle Rod
Choose the Constraint Option. Choose the flat face of the handle rod and the inside face of the handle knob and create a mate constraint. Press Apply when done and repeat for the other knob. Press Apply when done.
Step 26: Add Another Mate Constraint
Repeat for the other knob. Press Apply when done.
Step 27: Create Opposed Constraint
Select the axis of the handle knob and handle rod and create an opposed constraint. Press Apply when done. Repeat for the other knob, then press Apply, then Cancel when done.
Step 28: Create Aligned Constraint
Select the axis of the other handle knob and handle rod and create an aligned constraint. Press Apply, then Cancel when done.
Step 29: Save Assembly
Go to File > Save As and save assembly