Vintage Eprom Memory Bracelet


Intro: Vintage Eprom Memory Bracelet

E(Erasable) P(Programmable) R(Read) O(Only) M(Memory)

Ceramic Eprom memory chips are too cool to plunder for their gold substrate.

So I wrapped their little legs around aluminum tubes, lashed them together with wire and secured it all with a strong magnetic clasp.

Don't let your memory get lost, wear it on your wrist and proudly show it off to everyone!

My Etsy shop if you don't want to make it yourself:


STEP 1: Tools and Supplies


Eproms: they come in many different sizes, so you'll have to try them out to determine how many to use.

Hobby tubing: very small diameter, I used K&S 1/16" outer diameter aluminum.

Knitting needle: slightly larger diameter than the tubing.

28-30 gauge wire, just so it goes through the tubing and is easy to wrap around the IC legs.




Smooth jawed pliers



STEP 2: Wrap Leads Around the Knitting Needle

Form the leads around the knitting needle.

If the leads are too long to wrap neatly you can bend the tips over as in the first pic before wrapping around the needle.


STEP 3: Cut Tubing

Measure how long to cut your tubing.

Cut it.

Don't panic, just file it and the little hole will reappear.


STEP 4: Mesh Them Together

Alternate which leg goes up (1st or 2nd) so that they can mesh together easily.
They will still not be lined up with each other on the top and bottom. (I couldn't figure a way to do that) Then gently work the knitting needle through the two sets of legs.

Remove knitting needle and insert cut and filed tubing.

STEP 5: Wire Them Together

Cut length of wire.

Insert through tubing and wrap onto IC legs.

This is to prevent the tubing from trying to get away.

STEP 6: Measure and Decide

Measure the length of the almost bracelet.

As you can see the Eproms and clasp I used did not give much customization potential.

9 chips = 7" wrist

10 chips = 7 3/4" wrist

11 chips would probably = 8 1/2" wrist

STEP 7: Wire Clasp to Chips

Cut a length of wire, loop through clasp and secure.

Try to end the wire on top of the clasp so it doesn't poke you.

The chips won't always line up evenly, so after securing one side of the clasp bring the ends together to determine where to wire the other side.

Hook it up.

STEP 8: Admire Your Handiwork

Cool, huh?!!!

Love those little windows.


This is a great idea! They already gold in them and like you said to cool to waste. Now I now what I can do with at least some of the thousands I've collected over the years. Thank you! change.LARGE Kopie.jpg when you cut off the half of the legs the could fit in line

Thanks for the suggestion.

I think that would work, but might not be as strong or secure as with the full length.

Did you make one?

Clever! I like the way you tied them together.

I checked out your instructables and love the wood stands.
The laptop one would work great with a separate keyboard.
(like my ibm model M clicky!)

It is neat to reuse old electronics.

Here is my effort...

That's a really cool bracelet, you have my vote.


I love your vacuum form machine and want one!

Hey! Great work. Be careful of parts aren't RoHS compliant :(


Parts can be painted with clear nail polish if lead is a concern.

that's great!! too bad leaving those beautiful old components unused in a drawer...

Thanks! I see you love the old nixies too. :)

I'm completely addicted to them ;-)

Those are some really nice looking chips, you should enter the green electronics contest, in any case you have my vote.

I also made a keyring attachment with an old chip:

Love your key-fob. I have a few of those chips too, but not enough for a bracelet... yet.

Thanks! I love your fuse earrings.

Very cool!

Thanks! Your stuff is awesome too!