Vinyl Record Shelf


Intro: Vinyl Record Shelf

A shelf to store your vinyl records for less than 5 €
( Me, she even costed me nothing at all, 100% recovery)

Well, it will take 3 or 4 vinyl sacrifice !

STEP 1: What You Need

board pallet

equerre metal

vinyl record



STEP 2: Structure of the Shelf

Sand and cut the boards according to the dimensions you want to have

STEP 3: The Body Frame

After assembly with screws and equerres , I put a little gray paint to have an agreement with our finishing salon.

STEP 4: Reccord Vinyle

To bend the disc. It must be heated .
I use a heat gun , as I slowly pass at the crease . By blocking out the disc , we get to make regular fold. Be careful not to overheat the same place , otherwise the vinyl will quickly begin to melt.

STEP 5: Finish

Then I drilled discs to fix on the board.
(I think I'll have a little strengthening drives because they tend to fold when it stores the other drive)

(Sorry for my very bad english)


LOVE this idea and the clarity of the 'ible. Great job!

I made some improvement.

By folding a thick sheet metal 15/10e mm to reinforced discs, i can put more record on each level.

Adding also a disc in the lower part to block the other record .

Capacity: 60 records

Very good idea and smart design. Unfortunately I cannot make it, none of my LPs deserves to be broken.

Great work!