WARNING: What Will Happen If You Mix Coke and Detergent?


Intro: WARNING: What Will Happen If You Mix Coke and Detergent?


STEP 1: To Do Such a Experiment You Need!!!

STEP 2: Mixing Cola and Washing GEL Results in a Very Unexpected and Dazzling Reaction!

STEP 3: at the Bottom We Will See a Residue in the Form of Sand!

STEP 4: Radiates a Marvelous Glow in the Dark.

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Thank you, and see yah in the next one.


Very cool! Didn't know that.

Cool! How long does it glow for?
cool! if you put more detergent in the coke, what will happen? Can the whole bottle turn blue?

So does this work with any detergent or a specific type of detergent?

What is going on chemically? Anyone?

To be honest, I don't know what the Coke is doing besides precipitating the photo luminescent component out into a powdery substance. We used to take liquid laundry detergent and write on the walls in college. It glows under black light or no light (after some exposure to regular light). I would bet the gel will glow in the dark without the help of Coke.

BTW, if you're going to try writing on your walls, be sure the detergent is clear. We tried doing this under black light without first looking at the detergent. After a few hours' work, we turned the regular lights on to discover it was, in fact, blue...

yes wow just wow. The chemistry behind this is gonna be complex. No one can just give the answer on the spot
Oh! Never mind! I looked closer at the container! Laundry! Sorry! Thanks!!!
Is it dish or laundry detergent. I have both that look identical.