Introduction: Wahduino - WahWah by Shaking/raise the Guitar

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Here comes an alternative way to control your WahWah without the foot at the pedal.

The centerpiece is an Arduino with 6DOF Sensor controlling a digital potentiometer

that replace the mechanical pot from the WahWah pedal.

I use the electronic from an old WahWah pedal. Of course you can build you own

WahWah electronic, you only need a fistful of standart electronic parts but this is not

part of this instructable.

The whole system took place in the poti/switch cavity from my old E-guitar

Step 1: What You Need

  • Arduino ProMini 3,3V + FTDI USB programming adapter
  • ADXL345 accelerometer on breakout board

  • ITG 3200 gyro on breakout board
  • MCP 4151-104E/P Digital Potentiometer with DIP8 socket

  • some small wires
  • 9 Volt clip and battery

Step 2: Schematic

I place the sensors on the backside of the arduino and wiring all directly to keep it small,

look at the schematic for the other connections and don't forget to remove the WahWahs' Poti and

connect the three pins to the digital pot.

Step 3: Code

Via the FTDI programmer you could upload the attached code to the Arduino.

You first have to install the Arduino IDE and add the attached IMU library.

Choose the right com port and arduino in the IDE.

If you have an older Arduino ProMini with the ATmega168 instead of 324 i think it should also work

because the code is less than 16kbyte. Be shure to use the 3,3V Version if the sensors work with 3,3V.

For 5V Arduinos you need a logic level converter.

Step 4: All Together