Warm Almond Milk


Intro: Warm Almond Milk

An exhilarating drink to warm up your body and soul. And with temperatures soaring it is a great drink to cool down your system. It is ridiculously easy to make with only 3 ingredients and has various health benefits as It is an excellent source of vitamin E which is a powerful antioxidant to combat inflammation and is enriched with calcium.

STEP 1: Soaking the Almonds in Hot Water

Take a saucepan and fill it with some water.

Turn the stove to medium-high heat and let it boil.

Then soak the almonds in hot water.

STEP 2: Peeling Off the Skin

Next, we peel off the skin of each almond by hand as it comes off easily.

Then add the blanched almonds to the blender with 2 tablespoons of water and blend it.

STEP 3: Blending the Blanched Almonds to a Smooth Paste

Blend it till you get a smooth almond paste (you can keep adding 1 teaspoon of water whenever necessary).

Set it aside.

STEP 4: Simmering the Milk With the Prepared Almond Paste

Take a saucepan and add milk to it.

Turn on the stove to medium high heat.

Add the prepared almond paste and stir it well with a spatula.

Let it simmer for 10-15 mins and make sure to stir it often.

Then add sugar and stir until it dissolves.

Turn off the heat and serve it hot.

STEP 5: Done!!!

And our warm delight is ready to drink :)