Introduction: Waterproof Rain Coat for Puppies

About: William Davison Jr lives in the Tucson, Arizona area and works in the satellite defense industry. He keep busy with his many hobbies (old BMW car restorations, LEGO Robotics and Halloween effects/costumes). He…

Our new puppy 'Lucky' has been in our family now for three months and I have been taking him on morning walks everyday except for the days when it is raining. We live in the Tucson area and Monsoons have been rolling through our area and walking the puppy in pouring rain is never a good idea. I decided to use some of my left over waterproof Camouflage fabric to fashion him his own custome fit rain jacket.


Sewing machine

Water proof fabric

large sheet of paper



tape measure

Seam ripper

sewing supplies (needles, thread, scissors)

The puppy as a model and to take measurements

Step 1: Measure Your Puppy

Now getting a puppy to stay still enough is never gonna happen, but take your time, give lots of pets and treats and you should be able to get enough general measurements. I took the neck to tail, around the neck, around the chest, from mid back to the shoulder, mid back to the low hip area.

Step 2: Draw and Cut Out Paper Pattern

I roughly measured the back and then each hip and shoulder making sure that there would be enough fabric to go down to the legs. I made sure there was enough to over lap around the neck and chest. The tabs are where I will place the hook and loop fasteners for the neck and chest. I wanted more protection around the neck so I added a collar.

Cut out the paper pattern.

Step 3: Cut Out Fabric With Pattern

With the selected fabric and your paper pattern, cut out each section of fabric.

Step 4: Sew the Two Halves

Pin a section of the straight back to attach the two sides and then sew.

Step 5: Sew the Collar

I pinned the center section of the collar to the main seem of the back. Make sure the fabric is in the right side before sewing the curver collar to the neck area of the main body. I also folded over the edge and sewed an edge seam.

Step 6: Sew the 'hook and Loop' Tape

Now to make a fit check. If you can wrangle your pup get a rough estimate as to how tight the chest and next can be without making it too tight. I was looking to make sure he could still move and walk.

I recycled some hook and loop from some pockets of an old pair of shorts that no loger fit me.

I sewed on the two sides to each area. the neck and the chest flaps needed to have one (hook) on the out side of the fabric and one (loop) section on the inside of the fabric so that they can mate when the two halves are pressed together.

Step 7: Try and Get a Photo of Your Dog in the New Rain Coat

Lucky is always on the go, and to get a still photo of him in his new rain coat was proving to be impossible as he wanted to run and play in his new attire. He has never had anything put on him besides the cone of shame after getting neutered. He seemed to want to play and didn't seem restricted by his new coat.

I will take him next time it rain instead of telling him we can't go due to the rain. I hope he will feel comfortable and knowing he won't come home a soaked to the bone wet puppy will make me happy.