Introduction: Wax Face in Hand Candle
this was an experiment to see if you can mold wax with play-doh.
Step 1: Collect Items
- play-doh (I used this awesome i'ble by canida)
- lots and lots of wax (I got mine from this wax carving place they were just throwing it away so)
- tin foil
- a big water filled pot
- tin foil pan
- rubber glove
- ice cubes
- stove
- oven
- cup
- knife
- 2 tongs
Step 2: Make the Play-doh Mold!
double canida's the recipe
4 cups flour
4 cups warm water
2 cup salt
4 Tablespoons vegetable oil
2 Tablespoon cream of tartar
Mix at medium heat until play-doh like consistency
Knead the play-doh then put it in a tin foil lined pan and push your face into it! after that bake at 350 F for 30 minutes
Step 3: Cast the Mold
Melt the wax in a double boiler (a tin foil pan in a water filled pot) sort the colors if you wish (if you don't the ending color is a very dark blue) and pour the melted wax into the mold.
Step 4: Remove From Mold
Remove the wax from the mold I found using a knife works best
Step 5: Make the Hand Part!
After I made the face it didn't seem finished so I added a hand
Put the rubber glove in a cup (make sure it isn't totally sealed) and pour the molten wax into the glove. After that put the glove under some cold water while in the desired position.
Step 6: Add the Wick
Drill a hole into the nose (make sure the drill bit is the same size as your wick) and insert the wick.
Step 7: Sand It!
Sand the bottom of your hand (so it stays flat)
Step 8: Light It!
Now light your awesome new candle!