Wax Working


Intro: Wax Working

This is a very simple way to make really good looking, colorful wax works!

STEP 1: You Will Need:

A knife

A flame

A few small candles cut into pieces.

Wax crayons(of the color you want to paint your wax with).

STEP 2: Heat the Knife

Heat it on the flame for a few seconds.

STEP 3: Welding

Take the hot knife and weld the wax together.

You can also rub, cut, and scrape to create the basic shape.

STEP 4: Hmm...

Needs some color, doesn't it?

STEP 5: Coloring

Take the heated knife and gently use it to melt some crayon.

Then dab the melted crayon over the wax using the knife as a brush.

STEP 6: Keep Going!

The possibilities are endless!

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