Introduction: Weather Station
This instructable will show how to build weather station with a temperature/humidity sensor and a photocell
Step 1: Add a DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor
1. Connect a DHT11 Temperature and Humidity sensor to the breadboard
2. Connect the left side to ground (-)
3. Connect the middle to 5v (+)
4. Connect the right side to pin 8 on the Arduino
Step 2: Add a Photocell
1. Connect a photocell to the breadboard
2. Connect the left side to 5v (+)
3. Connect one end of 220 Ω (ohm) resistor to the right side and the other end to ground (-)
4. Under the resistor, connect one end of a wire to the right side and the other end to pin A0 on the Arduino
Step 3: Add an IR Receiver
1. Connect an IR Receiver to the breadboard
2. Connect the left side to pin 2 on the Arduino
3. Connect the middle to 5v (+)
4. Connect the right side to ground (-)
Step 4: Add a Potentiometer
1. Connect a potentiometer to the breadboard
2. Connect the left side to 5v (+)
3. Connect the right side to ground (-)
4. We will connect the middle to the LCD later
Step 5: Add the LCD Screen
1. Connect an LED screen to the breadboard
2. Connect LCD RS pin to digital pin 12 on the Arduino
3. Connect LCD Enable pin to digital pin 11
4. Connect LCD D4 pin to digital pin 5
5. Connect LCD D5 pin to digital pin 4
6. Connect LCD D6 pin to digital pin 3
7. Connect LCD D7 pin to digital pin 7
Step 6: Code for Weather Station
Attached is the code for running the weather station on an Arduino Uno