Weller Baterry Powered Soldering Iron


Intro: Weller Baterry Powered Soldering Iron

I have this battery powered soldering iron from Canadian tire made by Weller and the power switch is the type where u have to hold, on top of that if u don't hold it in the exact right position it wont stay on. This is really annoying so I did something about it. I am not responsible for any harm you cause to yourself, others or any damage you cause while attempting this instructable.

STEP 1: Materials

-Soldering iron
-Wire strippers

STEP 2: Dissasemble

So start by removing all the screws, there are three check under the sticker that's where two of them are.

STEP 3: Switch

Now remove the little black part of the button with a knife simply cut it off and it will pop out then make the hole in the red part big enough to accommodate you're new switch in my case a toggle switch.

STEP 4: Wire in New Switch

Now solder wires to the old battery leads going to you're new switch.

STEP 5: Close It Up

Close it up and you're done go test out you're new less annoying battery powered soldering iron.


This may be a dumb question cause idk where to ask it appropriately. Does anyone have a butane weller solder pen ? I have one but it has a major gas leak and the piezo doesn't work. Trying to see if i can fix it myself before i give up on it entirely

nice fix for the problem but never leave it with batteries in its way to easy turn it on accidently while moving it around.

Cool project! Check out my Instructable on how to build a 15 watt equivalent battery powered iron from scratch!
I have something similar to this, but a different brand and I find it's useless after five minutes ause the batteries can't heat it up enough to melt the solder. ow does yours work?
Mine has the same problem it works fine when I just put in the batteries but it fades really quick so I find what helps is assist the tip with heating up with a lighter or candle or something but ya I plan to soon make it wired because the batteries die really quick.
ok, i might try the lighter thing
I also just modified mine to work with a power plug because you're last comment made me curious so i checked my drawers and I had a perfect 4.5v plug from a old disc man lying around I'm going to post the instructable as soon as I can.
ok, did you make it so you could use the power plug and batteries?
no I did not and the reason being is because I mostly like it because it heats up quickly and is good for small jobs but ya i didn't keep the batterys as an option because you can get like max two good solderings in with a new set of batterys which is quite ridiculous.
It works much better now with the plug :-)