Which Medical Tests College Students Should Have?


Intro: Which Medical Tests College Students Should Have?

Healthcare statement is one of the topics that students tend to pay less attention when they’re busy with their academic activities. However, this is the right time to think about the future that won’t be bright if an individual has health problems. Taking into account the fact that college health issues may include various accidents, infections and, in some case, violence, the college-age young people must take a range of tests in order to protect their safety and health.

STEP 1: - Chlamydia Test

College life is the time, when the majority of your people make sure to try this life in its all tastes that is why the question of an intimate health is one of the most crucial. Chlamydia testing requires a so-called swab test as well as an urine test. When the question is about the swab test, it is usually obtained through placing the swab into the urethra opening at the penis tip. This may cause some burning sensation and little discomfort, but soon these side effects fade away. Make sure to approach your doctor in order to learn more about Chlamydia treatment and to get some recommendations on how to avoid this disease.


College and university students are sexually active. As a freshman goes away from home, the question of safe sex pops up. It’s not a secret that sexual freedom can turn your head. And thus, the university-age kids appear at the risk for HIV. For early detection of this illness, young men and women must get tested in case they do not live in accordance with the principles of faithful and safe relationship.

STEP 3: - Breast Exam / Mammogram

Starting when a young woman is age 20, her doctor should manually examine her breasts on a regular basis. This allows you to detect breast cancer at the earliest stage and receive the right and immediate treatment.

STEP 4: - Regular GYN Visit

Regardless of your sexual orientation, GYN visit is a must for a young lady. In recent years, there have been a lot of changes in what is related to the PAP smears and its frequency. According to the most current guidelines, a college-age woman should face with PAP smear once in three years after she turns 21.

STEP 5: - Mono

Mono spreads with the speed of sound among the classmates, especially in resident halls. It is the most common (among the worst) disease that an average college or university student can experience in his or her academic life. Mono can simply knock the energy out of a young man or woman, making it really hard to study (even the essay writing process can turn into a disaster, when an individual suffers from mononucleosis). It is recommended to avoid mono by never sharing food or drinks with the other people, as well as taking preventative measures when kissing strangers. However, the most effective way to allay your fears regarding mono is to get checked for this illness.

To cut the long story, there is a wide range of common health problems that students may face with during the college years. A college-age person must have enough rest and take all medications that the doctor prescribed in case the state of health has taken a turn for the worse. Sometimes there’s no chance to prevent a disease, however, it is crucial to take all measures to prevent it! The most important rule is to have regular medical checks for the reason that it is always better to be safe than sorry.


All students must know it :)