Why Nerf


Intro: Why Nerf

you might be wondering why people would play nerf instead of airsoft/paintball all will be explained.

STEP 1: The Ammo

for starters the ammo is a lot cheaper

STEP 2: The Guns

seccond you don't have to be over 18 to buy nerf guns

STEP 3: The Game

finaly the game in my opion is more fun


for starters the ammo is a lot cheaper
Only because you can re-use the darts. (Technically you can re-use BBs, but no-one does because you'd end up getting schmutz in your gun.) BBs cost between $0.0019 and $0.0042 per round. If your max load-out of nerf darts is 100, then the cost of a similar load-out of BBs is 19-42 cents. Which isn't a hell-of-a-lot. More likely you'd be taking out around 300 BBs per round which would cost a max of $1.50. For the length of time a round lasts, that's a cost I'd gladly eat compared to scrabbling around picking up darts and short rounds.

Personally, I'd rather spend $11 on 2700 BBs than $15 on 30 nerf darts. You start the game with as many BBs as you can carry , which, because they're small, is a lot. You don't have to worry about picking up spent ammo. You can fire many many more BBs and faster, than you could fire nerf darts in a game. If you're environmentally conscious, you can buy biodegradable BBs so you don't have to worry about picking them up if you're playing outside. The same cannot be said for nerf darts as far as I'm aware.

seccond you don't have to be under 18 to buy nerf guns
You meant "over 18" and "Secondly" but this is a valid point. Though in most places you can legally own an airsoft gun if you're under 18 but cannot legally purchase. I.e. if a parent buys it for you. Also, firing an airsoft gun under the age of 18 is also legal in most places, i.e. if you go to an airsoft location where they rent guns, or if you borrow one from your brother. A more germane issue would be the cost of the guns, especially given that in "Step 1", you list the cost of ammo as a deciding factor.

finaaly the game is funner
"Finally" and "more fun." This is subjective. You can go out onto an airsoft field with as many BBs as you can carry (a lot) and a magazine can hold hundreds of BBs. For this reason alone I prefer airsoft. This guy has modded a nerf vulcan. He has 75 darts max in this set up. And the rate of fire is appalling. And once he's done he has to go pick up the darts. And once he's picked up the darts he has to reload them into his belt. Fun!

In short, I can see the attraction for kids or people with low disposable income, or people who don't like potentially getting hurt but personally I'd take airsoft or paintball any day of the week.
Cool ible I am now following you!
I actually really enjoy both of them, and paintball
Why this?
What are you showing us how to make / do?

because i was board and this was the first thing that poped into my head
Thank you for your honesty, that's a fine answer to my question.

Why Nerf Guns? Because shooting your TV Set with a BB gun during really stupid thing news casts results in having to purchase a new TV.