Wireless Remote Using 2.4 Ghz NRF24L01 : Simple Tutorial Using of NRF24L01 & Arduino


Intro: Wireless Remote Using 2.4 Ghz NRF24L01 : Simple Tutorial Using of NRF24L01 & Arduino

Hello Everyone this is my second instructable . After lots of surfing on GOOGLE when I wont able to find a easy and a simple tutorial for NRF24L01 transceiver then I decided to publish an instructable on this. This is a simple short and easy tutorial for NRF24L01 Radio 2.4GHz Transmitter Receiver. In this tutorial I am going to control led using a pair of NRF24L01 transceiver.

STEP 1: Small Introduction About NRF 24L01 Transceiver

The nRF24L01 is a highly integrated, ultra low power (ULP) 2Mbps RF transceiver IC for the 2.4GHz ISM (Industrial, Scientific and Medical) band. With peak RX/TX currents lower than 14mA, a sub μA power down mode, advanced power management, and a 1.9 to 3.6V supply range, the nRF24L01 provides a true ULP solution enabling months to years of battery lifetime when running on coin cells or AA/AAA batteries .

STEP 2: Material Require

  1. 2 PCS NRF24L01+2.4 GHz Wireless Transceiver module
  2. 2 Arduino any (I have used one arduino R3 & nano)
  3. Male to. femal jumpers
  4. LED
  5. Any Switch
  6. 10K resistor

STEP 3: Connections

  • Connect the following pins to your Arduino:as shown in figure
  • Pin 9 - CE
  • Pin 10 - CS(N)
  • Pin 11 - MOSI
  • Pin 12 - MISO
  • Pin 13 - SCK
  • 3.3v - VCC
  • GND - GND
  • On the Receiver Pin 3 - LED
  • On the Transmitter Pin 7 - Button
  • same connection for receiver and transmitter and you can use any arduino board

STEP 4: Coding Arduino

For coding arduino first we need some library files so follow the steps given below :

1. Download the ZIP file (library file zip folder from attachments ).

3. Unpack the ZIP file.

4. Go to arduino library folder

5. And paste both the folders named " nFR24L01" and "RF24" into it.

Now, program the Arduino receiver and transmitter

Code for Receiver

<p>#include <SPI.h><br>#include "nRF24L01.h"
#include "RF24.h"
int msg[1];
RF24 radio(9,10);
const uint64_t pipe = 0xE8E8F0F0E1LL;
int LED1 = 3;</p><p>void setup(void){
 pinMode(LED1, OUTPUT);}</p><p>void loop(void){
 if (radio.available()){
   bool done = false;    
   while (!done){
     done = radio.read(msg, 1);      
     if (msg[0] == 111){delay(10);digitalWrite(LED1, HIGH);}
     else {digitalWrite(LED1, LOW);}
 else{Serial.println("No radio available");}}</p>

Code for Transmitter

<p>#include  <SPI.h><br>#include "nRF24L01.h"
#include "RF24.h"
int msg[1];
RF24 radio(9,10);
const uint64_t pipe = 0xE8E8F0F0E1LL;
int SW1 = 7;</p><p>void setup(void){
 radio.openWritingPipe(pipe);}</p><p>void loop(void){
 if (digitalRead(SW1) == HIGH){
 msg[0] = 111;
 radio.write(msg, 1);}}</p>

STEP 5: Testing

This is a last step after completing the circuit and coding part we can easily test it by switching "ON" and "OFF". .

When switch is "ON" on transmitter side connected to pin 7 of arduino then led glows on receivers side connected to pin 3 of arduino .Video Shows the output of this project.



Hello sir, can I use this module to transmit live video from robot camera and program it to control my robot go forward, backward, left, right?


Funcionou ajustando alguns caracteres do código e, no meu caso, precisei ajustar uma linha da biblioteca (anexo imagem):

Code Receiver:


#include "nRF24L01.h"

#include "RF24.h"

int msg[1];

RF24 radio(9, 10);

const uint64_t pipe = 0xE8E8F0F0E1LL;

int LED1 = 3;

void setup(void) {



radio.openReadingPipe(1, pipe);


pinMode(LED1, OUTPUT);


void loop(void) {

if (radio.available()) {

bool done = false;

while (!done) {

done = radio.read(msg, 1);


if (msg[0] == 111) {


digitalWrite(LED1, HIGH);


else {

digitalWrite(LED1, LOW);







Serial.println("No radio available");



Code transmissor:


#include "nRF24L01.h"

#include "RF24.h"

int msg[1];

RF24 radio(9, 10);

const uint64_t pipe = 0xE8E8F0F0E1LL;

int SW1 = 7;

void setup(void) {





void loop(void) {

if (digitalRead(SW1) == HIGH) {

msg[0] = 111;

radio.write(msg, 1);

// intuo que do modo que ajustei-copiei acima, deixa a variável mais variável.



Wonderful code and attachment. solved my 3 month spending in less minutes. Keep it up. Everyone please use the attached libraries.

Hi! Can I use the

NRF24L01 without an Arduino?

I want to send instructions and the


Do what I want

to make a smart house. if not which one can I use. Sorry

for my English

I'm having problems compiling your sketch. I'm getting:

error: void value not ignored as it ought to be

done = radio.read(msg, 1);


I've followed your code exactly as you have it with the exception of the CE, CS pins are 7 and 8. and are noted so in my sketch.

Any thoughts?

Although I do not have the code downloaded, I would think that if you look in the .h file where radio.read is defined, it is defined with void. That means that it does not return anything. Therefore you cannot assign the return value to the boolean variable done.

I followed but the result didn't work. I tried below link (with the source code + library) and it works:


yes, same for me. the example from brainy-bits works. the code here only makes some compiler errors.

Can I use this to transmit numbers and display it on LCD module ?

i'm already using pin 9 an 10 other action, can I use also pin 3 and 5, changing their divisors, to make them work faster, as default pin 9/10?

When i try to upload the code i get stray # in program error help?

or can i use esp 01 ?

Can it be used to receive signals from remote which uses 2.4GCOB-1A transmitter and after that transmit the signal to rc car/quadcopter ?

remote is SM-217-BKT (Syma quadcopter)

How to apply transfer audio from smartphone to speaker by this way? Coul you help me?

Even if I follow each step exactly, I get "No Radio Available"... I'm using an Arduino Uno as transmiter e an Arduino Mega as Receiver in order to switch on and off a led by a switch button. I've controlled again and again connections and it seems to be everything right. Which could be the problem?

I got the issue solved by connecting VCC of nrf2401 to 5V

Did you found a solution? Unfortunately I'm facing the same problem

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