Witches Cauldron Cake!


Intro: Witches Cauldron Cake!

This cake is not only spooky for Halloween, it is delicious, too! Just a few easy steps and you can make this unique and exciting cake for your Halloween parties, or simply for fun!

STEP 1: Prepare Rice Crispies

Since this was the first time ive ever used fondant, I was not too sure how this cake would turn out, but I’m happy with it and glad to share it with everyone ☺

You’ll Need:
*6 cups rice cereal
*6 cups miniature marshmallows
*3 tbls. Butter or margerine

1. Melt butter over low heat in a large saucepan. Add marshmallows and stir until completely melted. Remove from heat.
2. Add cereal, one cup at a time, stirring until well coated.

NOTE: When I made this for the first time, one batch wasn’t enough so I highly recommend making two batches as that will turn out the same size as mine

STEP 2: Molding

1. When you are done making your rice crispies, place in a greased/buttered round or square round medium glass bowl.
2. Since we want to achieve a cauldron look, begin by molding your shape, starting from the bottom and with the palms of your hands pack down the rice crispies forming a bowl shaped (or something like a bird’s nest). It can get very sticky so if you would like to grease your hands before that might be a good idea to do so.
3. Leave about a 2 inch indent on the top of the cauldron to place the fondant props inside.

*Set desired mold into freezer for at least an hour (or overnight) to set.

STEP 3: Preparing Buttercream

To make the green gooey bubbles, you’ll want to make buttercream in order to get that special effect. I made my own, but you can buy premade in a can. This is how I made mine (homemade is always better ;)

What you’ll need:
*3 cups powdered sugar
*2 sticks butter, softened
*1 tsp. vanilla extract (or whatever extract you desire)
*2-3 tbs. milk
*10 inch cake board 

1. In a mixing bowl, whip butter until you get a nice fluffy consistency
2. Add powdered sugar, one cup at a time
3. One tablespoon at a time add the milk
4. Add vanilla and mix until creamy

*Once you are done making the fondant, with a butter knife, spread a thin layer of buttercream onto the cauldron, making sure it’s thin and not too thick. Place on cake board. Set rest of buttercream aside.

OOPS! Moment: the first time I made this buttercream I used margarine and for some reason it got extremely runny so I would recommend using real butter as that will give you a firmer and workable material.

STEP 4: Covering Cauldron

*When working with fondant, the key is to make sure it is soft enough to work with, but not too soft. I used Duff’s brand white fondant because it is easy to work with and it tastes scrumptious ☺ I bought white because since I needed numerous colors, I decided to buy food coloring separately.

What you’ll need:
*Duff’s fondant (white)
*10 inch cake board
*Black food coloring
*Rolling pin
*powdered sugar for dusting

1. Lay your cauldron out on a flat surface.
2. Microwave 1/3 duff’s fondant for about 5 seconds.
3. With black food coloring, work into fondant, making sure its covered with black (you may want to use gloves, it can get messy)
4. Sprinkle powdered sugar onto a flat surface
5. Roll out fondant about 1/8 inch thick rolling out enough to cover cake
6. Place 4 small black balls on each corner of cake board with excess fondant (about half inch thick)
7. Cover cake with fondant, making sure sides are fully coated.

NOTE: when putting the fondant over my cake, it got very bumpy (which is I guess okay for a witches’ cauldron cake), but I would suggest making it thick enough so it doesn’t turn out too ridged. I ended up recovering it and trying a second time, it wasn't as bad. Plus, if you smooth out the butter cream beforehand it shouldn’t get bumpy.

STEP 5: Fondant Fun!

*This is the best part! Now you get to be creative and design whatever shapes/creepy molds you want! I made a bat wing, eyeballs, pigs foot, poison bottle, witches broomstick, and a bone.

*Before making the fondant props, color the rest of the buttercream with lime green food coloring.
*in a pastry bag, dollop around sides of cake, and inside so the props will stick to the top portion.

*Color the additional fondant with whatever color you desire!
*You can use a serrated knife for the edges or decorating tools to shape them.
*I made fire at the bottom of the cake with my etra fondant as well, don’t be afraid to get creative!

*Place fondant props inside of cake, putting in whatever directions you want



great recipe :)
Thanks everyone :)
Wow, a very fun cake that would be great for a Halloween party! Thanks for posting.
Great job! Love it! :)