Wolf Scroll Saw Art


Intro: Wolf Scroll Saw Art

In this indestructable I will teach you, specifically how to make an image of a wolf, but through this project you will learn the fundamentals that will allow you to make more and more intricate designs as your skill progresses.

STEP 1: ​Material/Tools Necessary

This project requires all of the materials/tools listed below.

- Scroll saw

- Glue stick

Baltic birch plywood ⅛

Black paint or spray paint

Sand paper

Palm sander(optional)

Wood glue

Band saw/Table saw are also useful but not necessary (your scroll saw will work fine as well)

STEP 2: Attach the Template

Use the glue stick to stick the template to the workpiece. Make sure to lay it out evenly and press it down smoothly from one side to the other, to make sure that there are no air bubbles or creases.

STEP 3: Drill Holes for the Blade

Drill a hole in the section of the workpiece that you want to remove. Make sure that the hole is significantly larger than the blade you are using.

STEP 4: Remove and Remount Blade

In Order to cut out a shape from the inside of workpiece you need to start cutting from the inside. Remove the blade from the saw and remount it with the blade through the hole in the workpiece.

STEP 5: Cut Shape Out

Proceed to cut on the inside of the lines outlining the piece that you want to remove.

STEP 6: Remove Workpiece

Remove the blade from the saw, and remove the workpiece from the saw before putting the blade back.

STEP 7: Remove Template

Peel the template off of the workpiece, being careful to get all of it off of the wood.

STEP 8: Sanding

Use a piece of sandpaper to smoothen the cut edges, going over each edge multiple times. The face of the workpiece, that had the template on it will need to be sanded to remove any leftover glue and to smooth the surface for painting. This is best done with a palm sander, but if you don’t have access to one of these you can still do a good job by hand sanding.

STEP 9: Painting

Lay out your workpiece on a sacrificial board, or a piece of cardboard. Apply several coats of paint, waiting until each layer is dried before applying the next layer, until you have a solid color. Be sure to do this step outside or in a well ventilated area. (warning: the use of sprayable paint in an enclosed space is toxic and may lead to sickness, injury or death)

STEP 10: Apply Background

For this step you need to be very careful to only apply glue to the backside of the workpiece. Once this is done, delicately place another board on the glued side of the workpiece. Make sure not to move the board around on the workpiece at all so that there is no glue on the visible parts of the board. Let the glue dry under pressure so that the two boards stay together properly. Lastly cut off the excess wood around the edges of the workpiece.

STEP 11: Finished Product

The finished product is a beautiful decoration that will improve the aesthetics of any room. You now also have the necessary knowledge and techniques needed to make the most advanced designs possible. If you want to make this project, here is the template that I used. https://i.pinimg.com/originals/a6/71/89/a671891de0cce893817377095371fcbf.jpg


One suggestion would be to modify the image before printing: take all of the black areas, and replace the black with 10% gray or some kind of texture (bricks, etc). This way you're not wasting a ton of ink or toner.

Also - if you do not have a scroll saw, you can get very good results from MDF (or suitable stiff board) and a handheld jigsaw, tho this takes some practice.

I'm new at scroll sawing and love your pattern. Are willing to share your pattern ? Thanks.

There a link to the template at the very end of the Instructable. https://i.pinimg.com/originals/a6/71/89/a671891de0cce893817377095371fcbf.jpg

Yes, I will try to put it in tonight, or tomorrow.