Women's Duct Tape Wallet


Intro: Women's Duct Tape Wallet

I have searched everywhere, and there are absolutely NO tutorials on women's duct tape wallets. This is the way I make mine. Takes 30-60 minutes to make so it is not that hard . It has 6 pockets and a coin pouch and an extra space to put anything else.   This is my first instructable so don't be hard

STEP 1: Stuff Needed

Sorry for no picture but items needed:
   duct tape
   xacto knife
   cutting board
   packaging tape

STEP 2: The Wallet

First, you need to make a sheet about 6 1/4 inches by 12 inches(and you might want to make the top come to a point, but dont do it yet, do it after the whole wallet is done)

STEP 3: Coin Pocket

Make a small strip about 3 or 4 inches (picture 1) and cover it with a strip about  1 cm longer on each side (picture 2) and tape it down on what you want as the top part of the wallet. 

STEP 4: Card Holders

This is probably the hardest part
 First cut a small strip that is about 2 3/4 to 3 inches and take two strips that are longer than the first one with glue on each side . Get another strip the same size. Stick them together glue to back like the 2nd picture. Get a 3rd piece and follow the picture, glue to glue. Another piece needs to go above/below that ( depending how you put it on) like in the picture.

STEP 5: Clear Pocket

This is made the same way as the regular card holders but you cut the middle out and put the packaging tape over the hole.

STEP 6: You're Done!!

If followed right, you should have a women's duct tape wallet / clutch. You can put designs on it, whatever. This one was my aunt's, so I put a checkerboard pattern on it.


I made a checkered wallet like that one time :) Checkered wallets are the best!!!
The one I carry now is bright blue/white checkers and black on the inside... It's pretty awesome :)
I made someone a wallet it had black and white checkerboard with black white black pockets on one side and white black white on the other
I made a black and white wallet with checkers and black card pockets :) I gave it to one of my friends and it got stolen :(