Wooden Guitar Picks


Intro: Wooden Guitar Picks

I love when my father plays guitar so I felt creative and made a couple of classic pics for Father's Day.

STEP 1: Materials

Use any wood, but using hardwood will make it much less likely to break while playing.

STEP 2: Trace and Cut

Trace any guitar pic that has a satisfying shape or create a stencil. Then using a coping saw cut it out roughly

STEP 3: Sand

Sanding is SO important, it really pops the grain. The grits I used were 100, 220, 400, 800, and even used a scrap of leather to polish the wood. (Because oil will make it difficult to grip resulting in a guitar pic lost in an acoustic hole)

STEP 4: Use or Share

Whether you use, display, sell, or give to a friend, try to adjust your pic to your comfort.


Now those are fancy. Good job
wow Josh, these are beautiful
They are strong enough but I recommend using hardwood for obvious reasons

They look great, but are they strong enough to be used on a guitar? I'd fear they just break.

Wonderful project! As a guitar player myself, I may have to try this!

Wow! They look great. I like the knots and wood grain.