Introduction: How to Unbox a Grizzly G1035P Shaper - Router for Woodworking
In this video I show a full unboxing of the Grizzly Shaper which also can be use as a Router. This Shaper is currently on sale at the Grizzly website. I will walk you through the unwrapping, along with what's in the box and I point out things you'll need to know before you start using your Shaper.
The Driver delivered it right up to the Garage doors. It was on a small pallet, small enough to be used with a dolly. The machine was covered with a box that had no bottom, it's stabled to the pallet. Once the Box is removed, the machine has styrofoam wrapped around the bottom and the entire machine is covered with a plastic bag. My machine had marks on the bottom that where made by a fork lift. The bottom of the machine was scratched but I don't believe it was damaged.
The table top is packed in what's referred to as packing grease. It's main purpose is to protect the machine from rust. It's a pain to clean off, but serves a purpose. There are two boxes stored inside the box part of the machine. These have parts in packing grease that will need to be cleaned off also. To clean I use WD40, and paper towels. I have heard there are easier ways to clean this, but this is the method I use.
Last but not least, and perhaps the most important part!!!! You will see a tag on the outside of the machine that says warning. Next to this tag is a grill you will remove, it's the one that is over the motor. There are two red brackets that need to be removed before use. Please pay attention to this part.
Disclaimer....... always read your instructions and owner manual before doing anything to your machine. Have fun, and like safe, you and you alone are responsible for you own safety.
Ronnie Sutton
Its A Wood Thing